Georgia Tech and the University System of Georgia have established several policies designed to foster a more welcoming and inclusive community for all students, faculty, and staff, as well as visitors and affiliates.
If you or someone you know believes you are experiencing any type of discriminatory behavior, even if none of the policies below have been violated yet, please consider reaching out to the Equity and Compliance team to learn more about possible supportive measures, resolution pathways, and on-and-off campus resources.
Emergency Contacts
Georgia Tech Police Department: (404) 894-2500
To reach the Dean on Call, ask GTPD to contact the Dean on Call
Additional Resources
Georgia Tech provides equal opportunity to all faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including applicants for admission and/or employment, contractors, volunteers, and participants in institutional programs, activities, or services.
The Institute commits to ensuring equal access to all Institute programs, services, and activities provided through Information Technology.
Complaints of sexual misconduct, including but not limited to nonconsensual sexual contact, sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, dating violence, and retaliation are covered under this policy.
Retaliation against anyone, who, in good faith, files a complaint or grievance; seeks the aid of GT; testifies or participates in investigations, compliance reviews, proceedings, or hearings; or opposes actual or perceived violations of policy or unlawful acts is strictly forbidden.
The University System of Georgia prohibits its faculty, staff, and students from engaging in any form of prohibited discrimination or protected status harassment.