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Reporting Crimes at Georgia Tech

Reporting Crimes to GTPD. 

All members of the Georgia Tech community, including guests, are encouraged to report all safety concerns to the GTPD in a timely manner. Like any large community, Georgia Tech experiences accidents, injuries, crimes, and other emergencies and encourages prompt reporting of these incidents. To report such incidents, potential criminal actions, or suspicious behavior, call 911 from a campus phone, use the LiveSafe app, or call the GTPD at 404.894.2500 or 404.894.GTPD. GTPD Communications Officers are available 24/7. They will dispatch an officer to the scene and summon additional emergency assistance if needed. If it is not an emergency, you can also email us at, or stop by the station at 965 Hemphill Avenue NW.

GTPD reports involving students are forwarded to the Office of the Dean of Students for review and for potential action by the Office of Student Integrity. GTPD investigators will examine these reports when it is deemed appropriate. Additional information obtained via the investigation will be forwarded to the Office of Student Integrity.


Reporting to Other Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). 

All members of the Georgia Tech community may also report specific crimes to any Campus Security Authority (CSA). These crimes, as defined by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), include: murder, non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson (limited to investigated cases determined by law enforcement authorities to be arson), domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

The Clery Act defines a CSA broadly as (i) a member of a campus police department, (ii) any individuals who have responsibility for campus security, but who do not constitute a police or security department (such as gate attendants), (iii) any persons designated in an institution’s campus security policy as a recipient of reports of criminal offenses from students or employees; and (iv) an official of an institution having significant responsibility for student and campus activities.


Confidentiality of Reporting. 

Confidentiality is limited to that provided by law. Because police reports are public records under state law, GTPD cannot hold reports of crime in confidence. Confidential reports, for purposes of inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics, can be made to Campus Security Authorities (as identified above) — excluding sworn members of the GTPD. Accurate and prompt reporting will facilitate timely initiation of warnings and other appropriate emergency response procedures, and will also help ensure the accuracy of crime statistics compiled in compliance with the Clery Act


Persons Exempt from Reporting Clery Reportable Crimes 

Pastoral counselors and professional counselors, as defined below, when acting as such, are not considered to be Campus Security Authorities and are not required to report crimes. The Institute encourages them, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary basis for inclusion in the annual crime statistics. A pastoral counselor is an employee of the Institute who is associated with a religious order or denomination, who is recognized by that religious order or denomination as someone who provides confidential counseling, and who is functioning within the scope of that recognition as a pastoral counselor. A professional counselor is an employee of the Institute whose official responsibilities include providing psychological counseling and who is functioning within the scope of his or her license or certification.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse. 

Georgia state law requires all Institute employees and volunteers who, in the course of their duties, suspect that a child has been abused on or off campus to report that abuse immediately to the GTPD in person or by phone at 404.894.2500 or 404.894.GTPD. Employees and volunteers must also report suspected child abuse to their supervisor, program director, or a Georgia Tech official as soon as possible. For more information, see the Georgia Tech Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Policy in the Georgia Tech Policy Library.