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Campus Security Authorities

Tech Tower“Campus Security Authority” is a Clery-specific term that encompasses certain departments, groups and individual employees who have a duty to report crimes they become aware of, as defined by the Clery Act.

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Reporting Form (only to be used by CSA's)

Note: if you receive a certificate error message while accessing the form, select 'Advanced' and 'Allow / Accept & Continue'


The law defines a Campus Security Authority as “An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.” 

The following list denotes the positions at Georgia Tech thought to meet the definition of a CSA. This list is intended to be comprehensive, but certain positions may not be specifically listed.

  • All sworn members of the GTPD.
  • All academic deans, associate deans, and assistant deans.
  • All deans and directors, associate deans and directors, and assistant deans and directors in the following units of the organizational area of the Division of Student Life: The Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Life and the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • The Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Title IX Coordinator.
  • Campus victim-survivor advocates.
  • The vice president, associate vice president, executive directors, and assistant director of the organizational area of Institute Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  • All directors, associate directors, resident advisors, and peer leaders of the organizational area of Residence Life.
  • All directors and associate directors of the organizational area of the Student Center.
  • The associate vice president, senior directors, and directors of the organizational area of the Office of Human Resources.
  • All directors, associate directors, and all head coaches in the Athletic Association.
  • The director of Stamps Health Services.
  • All advisors to student clubs and organizations.


The Clery Act requires that Campus Security Authorities be identified, notified, and trained.
Campus Security Authorities who have been identified by job title receive annual notification and training and are asked to forward the training to anyone within their department who they believe meets the Clery definition of a Campus Security Authority because of their job function.
If you believe that you may qualify as a Campus Security Authority and have not received notification or training, please speak with your supervisor or manager.


The Role of a Campus Security Authority
Campus Security Authorities should not investigate crimes or attempt to determine whether in fact a crime occurred.  Rather, a Campus Security Authority’s obligation is to simply report the information that they have, as soon as possible.
The Institute is required to disclose statistics for the following offenses that occur on campus, in non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the university, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus.

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Sexual Assault
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Vehicle Theft
  • Arson
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Hate/Bias Crimes​