Report an Incident

Georgia Tech provides several options to those wishing to report a violation of any of its discrimination-based policies. This page will serve as a guide to help you understand not only how to report an incident, but also the process that occurs after a report is submitted. 

Report to Georgia Tech

Use the links below to file a report about a violation of the sexual misconduct policy, or to request a pregnancy accommodation.

Pregnancy Accommodations Reporting

Title IX protects pregnant and parenting students from discrimination. 

Reporting and Accommodations

Report Sexual Misconduct

If you would like to report an incident of sexual misconduct, please use the form below. 

Submit a Report


Potential violations of the ADA may be filed with the ADA Compliance team of EOCCM.

The form below is to report any incidents of expected noncompliance with ADA/504.

File a 504/ADA Grievance

Report any barriers to access that you may encounter within the Georgia Tech community using the form below.

Report an Access Concern

Report Discrimination and Harassment

If you believe you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on a protected category, please use the form below. 

EOCCM Reporting Form

Report to the Police

You may want to connect to the Georgia Tech Police because:

  • You need immediate resources and/or emergency assistance.
  • You want to learn more about pressing criminal charges.
  • You want a court-issued restraining order or anti-harassment prevention order.

Reporting an assault to GTPD or other law enforcement or campus security authorities allows all support systems to be put in place for the survivor. Filing a police report will provide the opportunity for the collection of evidence, which is helpful in prosecution and will allow the survivor to be connected with the appropriate support and medical resources. By law, the filing of criminal charges is required only in cases of domestic violence; all other survivors who file a police report have the option to decide whether they wish to pursue charges.

What happens when I do this?

GTPD may use this information to determine whether the Institute has a legal requirement to issue a timely warning to the campus community, to assist with legally required statistical record-keeping, and to respond to any other legal obligation.

Georgia Tech community members have the right to: 

  • Notify or decline to notify law enforcement, including GTPD, and local and state police, of an alleged incident of sexual misconduct
  • receive assistance from the Institute in making any such notification
  • obtain a court-issued protective order or an Institute-issued no-contact
  • concurrently utilize the formal complaint process for investigating the Sexual Misconduct or Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, and any available external civil or criminal processes.

Contact the Georgia Tech Police Department


Report Criminal Conduct
(404) 894-2500

Download the LiveSafe App for free from the App Store or Google Play


This provides specific rights to individuals who are victims of certain crimes. These rights are protected and enforced under O.C.G.A. §17-17-1.  Your basic rights include:

(1) The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings;

(2) The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of the arrest, release, or escape of the accused;

(3) The right not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings, except as provided in this chapter or as otherwise required by law;

(4) The right to be heard at any scheduled court proceedings involving the release, plea, or sentencing of the accused;

(5) The right to file a written objection in any parole proceedings involving the accused;

(6) The right to confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim;

(7) The right to restitution as provided by law;

(8) The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay; 

(9) The right to be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case; and

(10) The right to file a motion in the criminal case within 20 days of a court proceeding requesting to be heard if the victim has properly requested notification and has not given notice of said proceeding.

If you are a survivor of sexual violence, the Georgia Tech VOICE Advocates can talk with you about specific rights and options that apply to you. For confidential support, call VOICE any time 24/7/365 at 404.894.9000.

Under Georgia law O.C.G.A. §17-15-1, victims of certain crimes may be eligible for compensation through The Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program. For more information regarding eligibility requirements, expenses covered and timing, please visit their website at:

If you have questions regarding your rights as a victim of a crime, we encourage you to contact the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council at 404-657-1956 or visit their website at You may also contact the Georgia Tech Police Department and ask to speak with the Investigations Division Commander.

Report to a State or Federal Agency

Office for Civil Rights at U.S. Department of Education (OCR) 

If you believe that the school has violated your Title IX, you may file a complaint with the OCR.

Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR)

The office is charged with enforcing Title IX among NSF grantees. To file a complaint, or for more information on Title IX, contact 703-292-7020,  e-mail or complete and submit this form 

State ADA Coordinator's Office

c/o Georgia State Financing & Investment Commission
270 Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 3001D
Atlanta, GA 30334-9007
Phone: 404-657-7313 (General Information & Technical Assistance)
Fax: 404-463-5650
Georgia Relay Service: Dial 7-1-1