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Campus Accommodations and Access

Event with students near Tech TowerADA compliance at Georgia Tech is comprised of several offices that play a role in access to programs, services, and activities and physical, programmatic, and policy barrier removal for our students, employees, and visitors with disabilities. 

Accommodations for Visitors

If you are an individual, including a visitor, with a disability who requires assistance or accommodation to participate in or benefit from a Georgia Tech service, program, or activity, or if you need more information, please contact the coordinator of the specific service, program, or activity, or the ADA Coordinator listed below.

J. Denise Johnson Marshall 
ADA Compliance Coordinator 
Office of Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Conflict Management
Georgia Institute of Technology 
500 Tenth St. NW, Office 414 
Atlanta, GA  30318 
Telephone: (404) 385-0733 

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