OMED: Educational Services welcomes Jelani T. Liddell as its assistant director of Outreach Initiatives.

OMED: Educational Services, a unit within Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, welcomes Jelani T. Liddell as its new assistant director of Outreach Initiatives.

Liddell will be in charge of OMED’s signature summer program, Challenge, as well as OMED’s AAMI (African American Male Initiative), awarded by the University System of Georgia (USG).

Liddell brings a strong repertoire of experience to the role. He has several years of academic outreach experience establishing K-12 partnerships, most recently from Clayton State University where he managed the USG’s third largest dual-enrollment program of nearly 1,000 students. 

In addition, he was a part of the inaugural AAMI committee and has developed multiple AAMI-funded programs during his career. He is also familiar with initiatives and efforts necessary to support students transitioning from high school into collegiate matriculation which are essential to continuing Challenge’s success in academic preparation for incoming first-year students at Georgia Tech.

Liddell has nearly 20 years of service as an educator in both the K-12 and post-secondary settings in multiple capacities as a teacher and academic support professional, as well as developing and leading student programs. His goal to inspire students to excel in school and life led him to launch The Remarkable Youth Project Inc., a not-for-profit organization that provides youth with exploration opportunities in career paths in digital media arts.  

Liddell obtained his bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College and a master’s degree in Higher Education Administrative Leadership.