Georgia Tech's Leading Women@Tech Program is now seeking nominations for its fourth cohort.

Institute Diversity is now seeking nominations for the fourth cohort of the Leading Women@Tech program.

With the support of the Office of the President, Institute Diversity launched Leading Women@Tech to facilitate women’s professional development and academic and administrative leadership, and to build a community of leaders across the Institute that will advance a culture of inclusive excellence.

“Leading Women@Tech has been professionally impactful to many women on the Georgia Tech campus,” said Dr. Julie Ancis, associate vice president of Institute Diversity and co-director of the program. “I have experienced a great deal of satisfaction in getting to know so many brilliant leaders and am grateful to co-facilitate this first-of-its-kind program at Georgia Tech, which is rich in both content and process.”

Leading Women@Tech is open to staff women who are in director-level positions and above at Georgia Tech. Following the nomination period, nominees will be invited to both apply and confirm their program acceptance next month.

The fourth cohort will start the program in October 2019 and their sessions will conclude during Spring semester 2020. Program faculty, comprised of national and international thought leaders and expert coaches, will facilitate sessions in the areas of efficacy, emotional intelligence, intercultural communication, mindful leadership, multiple role management, negotiation, networking, and more.

“The women selected for each cohort are those leading units and significant projects or programs from a variety of units on campus,” added Pearl Alexander, executive director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement, and co-director of Leading Women@Tech. “It is a privilege to co-direct and serve as an executive coach proudly watching members of each cohort achieving their career and life goals,” she continued. “With the recent appointment of more women senior roles like assistant vice presidents, associate vice presidents, vice presidents and chairs and deans we’d be deeply grateful to have several land in our fourth cohort where they can build community together as they settle into their new roles.”

To submit a nomination, including a self-nomination, please visit here. The deadline has been extended until May 21, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.

To learn more about the program, visit