Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is now accepting nominations for the Diversity Champion Awards: Accessibility Champions.

Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is now accepting nominations for the Diversity Champion Awards: Accessibility Champions.

Do you know a faculty member, staff member, student, or unit (e.g., office, department, school, or lab) who advances the culture of accessibility and inclusive excellence at Georgia Tech?

Centered around accessibility, the 2020 Diversity Champion Awards will recognize those who have demonstrated a commitment to accessibility and creating an inclusive campus community for all.

Nominations, including those by previous nominees and self-nominations, may be made by Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students for any award category. Honorees will be recognized at the 2020 Diversity Symposium in September.

Visit here for more information, including past winners, criteria, eligibility, and nomination form. Nominations will be accepted through June 15.