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Through education, response, and collaboration, we illuminate and remove Institutional barriers to equity & inclusion, while fostering a culture beyond compliance. Use the accordions below to understand how we plan to achieve our vision.


  • Create a catalog of trainings for ADA & Title IX from a basic overview to in-depth/specialized topics.
  • Create an assessment and tracking system for educational workshops/training.
  • Provide clear information to the GT community about behavior expectations, resources, and relevant procedures through the creation of a social media presence and an updated website.


  • Commit to an initial response/acknowledgment of any reports received within two business days with direct communication to the impacted party that provides resources and next steps.
  • Through the implementation of an improved case management system, provide consistent and transparent communication to all parties involved in any received report.
  • Regularly, conduct a review of reports to identify trends within departments, units, or specialized populations within the Institute.


  • Continue rebranding of Equity & Compliance Programs and ensure consistent language and graphics in digital and hardcopy marketing materials, as well as presentations and training materials.
  • Participate in or attend at least two community events per academic semester to engage and interact with members of the GT community.
  • Conduct a review of current Institutional policies impacted by Title IX and ADA. Where appropriate, provide recommendations for revision. Where Institutional policies don’t exist or are managed by other departments, work with campus partners to propose language for consideration and implementation.

Request a Training

As part of our mission to educate the campus community about our office and the work that we do, we now offer a series of trainings and workshops to ensure that our campus partners have the tools they need to be good stewards. 

image of Atlanta skyline shot from Georgia Tech's campus, with Tech Tower appearing in the lower half of the image.

Annual Reports

Equity and Compliance Programs released its inaugural annual report in Fall 2022.  This report aims to provide campus partners and community members with some insight into the work the office has done in the past year fiscal year, and provide some transparency about initiatives we hope to take on in the coming year. 

Initiatives & Special Projects

ADA Transition Plan Implementation Team 

Our purpose is to serve as a campus-wide body to assist in designing, monitoring, and implementing the ADA Transition Plan. Committee members analyze data collected during the ADA assessment phase to identify gaps in service and training that may impede the progress of the overall plan. The committee will identify methods for ongoing feedback from end users and make key recommendations on ADA policy and programmatic access.

ADA Policy and Guidelines Committee

The committee seeks to establish institute-level policies to ensure compliance with the ADA and Section 504 while offering guidance to the campus community on issues of accessibility.

Culture of Respect

As part of Georgia Tech’s continued commitment to addressing campus sexual violence, in 2020 we joined over 100 colleges and Universities in the Culture of Respect Collective, an initiative of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators in Higher Education Administration. The collective is a two-year program bringing together institutions that are dedicated to ending campus sexual violence. 

Partnerships for Accessible Communications & Technology

This committee will establish ongoing processes and procedures to ensure accessibility compliance through education, training, procurement, and remediation of existing electronic materials.

Celebrating 50 Years of Title IX

Signed into law by President Richard Nixon in June 1972, Title IX transformed access to educational opportunities for women across the United States. Throughout fall 2022, Georgia Tech hosted a variety of events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the landmark law, its impact on Georgia Tech and higher education, and the path forward.

Section 504 at 50

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, as defined in section 705 (20) of this title, shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance or under any program or activity conducted by any Executive agency or by the United States Postal Service.”